Home / Blog / Festival of brass band music planned for Victoria Park, St Helens

Festival of brass band music planned for Victoria Park, St Helens

May 30, 2023May 30, 2023

PEOPLE are being invited to pack a picnic and head down to the award-winning Victoria Park this September for a day of live music from the bandstand.

Featuring a number of local brass bands, Brasstastic Festival has been put together as a way of celebrating the borough’s success and heritage in brass instrument playing - which dates back more than 160 years.

It also forms part of St Helens’ year as Borough of Culture celebrations.

Bands taking part on the day include The Haydock Band, Trinity Girls Brass Band, St Helens Youth Brass Band and Valley Brass.

Brass bands from across St Helens will be at the event (Image: St Helens Council)

Upbeat performances will consist of a mixture of old-fashioned brass music to modern-day hits, with something for all the family to enjoy.

St Helens Borough Council’s cabinet member for wellbeing, culture and heritage, Councillor Anthony Burns said: “Our borough has such a rich and proud heritage when it comes to brass bands, with the groups that will be performing at Brasstastic having more than 260 years’ experience between them, not to mention the tens of thousands of spectators they have played in front of nationally and internationally, as well as various accolades.

“This is something that deserves shouting about so to have them together for one big event in the stunning Victoria Park, which has just maintained its Green Flag status, is a big deal and a fitting event for our year as Borough of Culture.”

Lisa Forbes, event manager from The Haydock Brass Band, said: “Brass music in St Helens is prolific.

"We have more bands in our borough than any other and it’s a strong part of our community and heritage.

"Bringing together some of St Helens’ fabulous bands has been a long-held ambition of The Haydock Band and the Borough of Culture was an ideal opportunity.

"We can’t wait for everyone to hear these amazing bands and have a wonderful Brasstastic day filled with glorious brass sounds."

Brasstastic Festival will take place in Victoria Park on Sunday, September 10 between 11am-4pm.

Refreshments will be available from the Friends of Victoria Park group.

Organised by St Helens Borough Council in partnership with The Haydock Band, the event is being funded through the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund with the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority as the lead authority - and a contribution from Rainford Trust.

For more information, including upcoming Borough of Culture events, visit:

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